Clearly Modern is a website template by Cudazi for

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Colors / Themes

This theme uses screen.css for structure and layout then adds a theme CSS file next to apply colors as needed. Choose a color theme below to preview on this page:

Note: The logo is an image you will replace so it will not change with the demo style switcher.

  • Icon
    Fast Turnaround

    Easy to set up, gets you started quickly

  • Icon
    Sure to be a favorite

    Impress your visitors!

  • Icon
    Value Priced

    You can't beat the price!

  • Icon
    jQuery Plugin Ready!

    Add any jQuery plugin and go

Sample Widget Title

Sed eu nibh urna, vel consequat urna. Phasellus mollis turpis ipsum. Aenean vitae mi in est pulvinar ornare. Aenean vitae mi in est pulvinar ornare.

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